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  • Writer's pictureBeth Willcox

Smart Trade Promotion Management with Acumen Invest

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

Over 20% of FMCGs spend between 11% and 27% of revenues on promotions, often the second-largest expense on the P&L. With trade promotion management spend continuing to increase, and many businesses unsure of promotion effectiveness, it's vital to strive for clarity and return on investment. Promotion planning and optimisation remains a top priority for transformation in FMCG, with the ability to enhance promotional effectiveness and adapt to the increasingly challenging retail environment.

Acumen Invest is a trade promotion management (TPM/TPO) web application that helps you see how promotions have performed in the past, and forecast how successfully new promotions will run in the future. It integrates all the data, providing a single source of truth giving you full visibility of what’s working and what’s not.

You’ll be provided with a clear picture of your promotions in one calendar screen – across customers, channels and competitors; providing you with the latest picture of what’s going on, visible to all functions.

Watch our latest video explaining how Acumen Invest, our trade promotion management tool, can help your business:

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